Training courses
Training courses
Syllabi + Trainer's Handbook
Table of contents of the workshops, including learning outcomes, course content and objectives, methodology and duration, bibliography.
Deck of slides to be adopted for this workshop.
Presentation of the practical exercises, including the steps, tools and tips provided by the ULISSE’s trainers.
Multimedia materials
Online resources to be used as additional training materials for reinforcing learner skills
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Drawing
Steven Johnson - 4' - Where Good Ideas Come From - Talks at Google
Steven Johnson - 54' - Where Good Ideas Come From - TED Talks
Steven Johnson - 18' - Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy - 20' - The art of innovation
Guy Kawasaki - 21' - Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
Marily Oppezzo - 5'
- How adaptability will help you deal with change
Jennifer Jones - 13'
Focus on customer needs
- So, you want to be a writer?
Charles Bukowski - 2'
Willingness to learn
- How to show willingness to learn
Karlton Laing - 3'
Programmi + Manuale del formatore
Indice dei workshop, inclusi risultati di apprendimento, contenuto e obiettivi del corso, metodologia e durata, bibliografia.
Proposta di slide da adottare per questi laboratori.
Presentazione degli esercizi pratici, inclusi i passaggi, gli strumenti e i suggerimenti dei formatori ULISSE.
Materiale multimediale
Risorse on line da utilizzare come materiale formativo aggiuntivo per rafforzare le competenze degli studenti.
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Drawing
Steven Johnson - 4' - Where Good Ideas Come From - Talks at Google
Steven Johnson - 54' - Where Good Ideas Come From - TED Talks
Steven Johnson - 18' - Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy - 20' - The art of innovation
Guy Kawasaki - 21' - Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
Marily Oppezzo - 5'
- How adaptability will help you deal with change
Jennifer Jones - 13'
Attenzione al cliente
- So, you want to be a writer?
Charles Bukowski - 2'
Voglia di imparare
- How to show willingness to learn
Karlton Laing - 3'
Plan de Estudios + Manual de Formadores
Índice de los talleres, incluidos los resultados del aprendizaje, el contenido y los objetivos del curso, la metodología, la duración y la bibliografía.
Diapositivas que se adoptarán para este taller.
Presentación de los ejercicios prácticos, incluidos los pasos, herramientas y consejos de los formadores de ULISSE.
Recursos en línea que se utilizarán como material de formación adicional para reforzar las habilidades del alumno.
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Drawing
Steven Johnson - 4' - Where Good Ideas Come From - Talks at Google
Steven Johnson - 54' - Where Good Ideas Come From - TED Talks
Steven Johnson - 18' - Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy - 20' - The art of innovation
Guy Kawasaki - 21' - Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
Marily Oppezzo - 5'
- How adaptability will help you deal with change
Jennifer Jones - 13'
Orientación al cliente
- So, you want to be a writer?
Charles Bukowski - 2'
Ganas de aprender
- How to show willingness to learn
Karlton Laing - 3'
Programas + Manual do Formador
Índice do conteúdo dos workshops, incluindo os resultados da aprendizagem, objetivos e conteúdo do curso, metodologia e duração, bibliografia.
Conjunto de diapositivos a adotar neste workshop.
Apresentação dos exercícios práticos, incluindo os passos, ferramentas e dicas dos formadores ULISSE.
Recursos online a serem utilizados como materiais de formação adicionais para reforçar as competências do aprendente
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Drawing
Steven Johnson - 4' - Where Good Ideas Come From - Talks at Google
Steven Johnson - 54' - Where Good Ideas Come From - TED Talks
Steven Johnson - 18' - Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy - 20' - The art of innovation
Guy Kawasaki - 21' - Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
Marily Oppezzo - 5'
- How adaptability will help you deal with change
Jennifer Jones - 13'
Foco nas Necessidades do Cliente
- So, you want to be a writer?
Charles Bukowski - 2'
Prontidão para Aprender
- How to show willingness to learn
Karlton Laing - 3'
Mācību programmas + Rokasgrāmata
Semināru saturs, ieskaitot mācību rezultātus, kursu saturu un mērķus, metodiku un ilgumu, bibliogrāfiju.
Prezentāciju slaidi
Semināros izmantotie prezentāciju slaidi.
Semināros izmantotie praktiskie vingrinājumi, tostarp ULISSE treneru sniegtie ieteikumi.
Tiešaistes resursi
Tiešsaistes resursi, ko iespējams izmantot kā papildu mācību materiālus, lai stiprinātu dalībnieku prasmes.
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Drawing
Steven Johnson - 4' - Where Good Ideas Come From - Talks at Google
Steven Johnson - 54' - Where Good Ideas Come From - TED Talks
Steven Johnson - 18' - Your body language may shape who you are
Amy Cuddy - 20' - The art of innovation
Guy Kawasaki - 21' - Want to be more creative? Go for a walk
Marily Oppezzo - 5'
- How adaptability will help you deal with change
Jennifer Jones - 13'
Fokuss uz klienta vajadzībām
- So, you want to be a writer?
Charles Bukowski - 2'
Vēlme mācīties
- How to show willingness to learn
Karlton Laing - 3'